Parimal Center

Dr. Parag Dagli

About Dr. Parag Dagli

Dr Parag Dagli is the senior most consultant at Apple Children Hospitals. He began his practice as a pioneer pediatric & neonatal Intensivist in 2001.

More details

Dr Parag Dagli, after MD Pediatrics (Rank # 1) at NHL medical College Ahmedabad, got further training at Wadia Hospital, Mumbai for
He pioneered pediatric & neonatal critical care services in Ahmedabad in 2001 as chief doctor of Khushboo Children Hospital. Newborn babies with life threatening diseases like very low birth weight, respiratory problems, etc or pediatric patients with shock, meningitis, Dengue fever, etc. were efficiently catered by 24 hour monitoring & timely interventions. During the initial years, Dr Parag also attended critical patients at pediatric departments of several hospitals of Ahmedabad namely, Jivraj Mehta, Medisurge, SAL & Sterling Hospitals as superspecialist.
Over the years, the Khushboo Children Hospital was transformed to Apple Institute of Child Health, a 60 bed multispecialty pediatric hospital in the center of the city. Dr Parag is a director of the companies managing above hospital as well as 3 more units in Name of Apple Children Hospital at Naroda (2014), Chandkheda (2021) & Gota (2021).
Though out the journey, Dr Parag attended several national & international conferences of his field to update himself. He has been a guest faculty in several conferences & CMEs. Dr Parag had been an hon. Secretary in Ahmedabad branch of Indian association of child specialists (AOP), for 2 years & has successfully organized several academic events & seminars.
Notably, he has been an author of a book – Notes for Final MBBS, which was circulated professionally at national level since 1996 till 2018.
Dr Parag Dagli has nurtured his special interest in breast feeding counselling by accomplishing a course of IYCF specialist. He is a member of BPNI (Breast Feeding Promotion Network of INDIA) & hon. Secretary & founder member of KMC (Kangaroo Mother care) foundation, India.

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